Main error messages, returned by wxis

Return codes

1-Data Entry Lock denied
2-Record Lock denied
3-Record Update denied
4-Record not locked
5-Lock id does not match
6-Inverted Update denied
7-Lock expire time not reached

WXIS|compiled error|undefined message|4/6| 

Accessing database. The error “compiled error|undefined message|4/6” gives no further information because it occurred in a compiled script, which eliminates the error messages. So several causes can be, for example: 1 – Did not find the call script (most common cause) 2 – If possible, run the uncompiled script to verify its correct functioning. Try putting cgi-bin (or scripts, or cgi-local) after IsisScript and so on, or change the script name extension from xic to xis in the browser address box (if the script is available, and the call to script is “open” in the navigation bar).

WXIS|execution error|field 

Searching database. Probably the database contains some “dirt”. For example: fields without content; control characters; spaces at the end (or beginning) of fields.

1) Make a backup copy of the database;
2) Run the MXCP utility to create a new database without the errors.
3) Replace the old base with the new one.
4) Generate the inverted for the new base;

WXIS|execution error|file|tmpnam| 

Searching database. Access rights do not allow writing to the CGI directory. Normally, for security reasons, writing to the CGI execution directory is not allowed. So use CI_TEMPDIR in the script’s cipar. For example:

CI_TEMPDIR=c:\windows\temp, or CI_TEMPDIR=/tmp

WXIS|execution error|search|temporary file 

No write access right. Change the rights to allow writing in the CGI folder, or add the CI_TEMPDIR=path_folder_temp declaration in the script.

WXIS|execution error|format syntax|@FMT.PFT| 

Cannot play FMT.PFT format file. Check format file path and existence, including box for *nix systems

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|flupdat/Typemfr 

Accessing database. Existence of disallowed characters (eg control characters) in the database. Run MXCP with CLEAN clause in the database.

1) make a backup copy of the database;
2) run the command mxcp base_in create=base_out clean log=base;
3) copy base_out over base_in: copy base_out.* base_in.*

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable |mstsetup allomaxv 

When reversing database. Issue in previous versions of WXIS 4.0 release 26th September 2000. Download and install version 4.0 above the 26th September release.

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|b5_run/offset| 

Searching database. Problems with the invert, for example, when it points to mfn not existing in the database. Regenerate or replace the database inverted. Common occurrence when the master file loses synchronism with the inverted database file, for example, when being updated without updating the inverted file.

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|b63_run/write/6 

Searching database. The search failed to write the temporary file, probably due to lack of access rights. Use CI_TEMPDIR in cipar. For example: CI_TEMPDIR=c:\windows\temp. Delete temporary files. Check the access rights to the temporary files folder for the user.

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|cntread/read/cnt| 

Searching database. It is likely that the database is in another platform format. For example, on a Linux system try to read Windows system base. Exchange the files from the database and inverted to those of the platform’s operating system. To make this exchange, there are two main ways:

1-ISO-2709 export of the original platform, with import and inverted generation on the final platform
2-Use of CRUNCHMF (master file) and CRUNCHIF (inverted file) applications that generate the files for the final platform in the original (cross-generation). Error similar to: WXIS|fatalerror|unavoidable|recread/check/base|

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|msopn/w| 

Trying to write to database. The operating system locked the master file (MST), or at least made it unavailable for writing. Copy the MST and XRF (working copy) files and run MKXRF on the copy. If all ok, copy over the original. The last term in the message stands for MaSter OPeN for Write.

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|recisis0/xrf 

Trying to write to database. Cannot write or create file. Directory access rights do not allow writing or the file does not exist (in the case of writing). Change access rights to allow writing. Check if the file to be recorded exists.

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|recread/check/base| 

Accessing database for reading. Read bases and inverts from different platforms. Export data via ISO-2709 and regenerate inverted, or CRUNCH?F to database Error similar to: WXIS|fatal|error|unavoidable|cntread/read/cnt|

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|recread/xropn/w| 

Lack of write access rights. Check and adjust write access rights to allow writing to the database directory and files. The last term of the message stands for XRf OPeN for Write. another possibility is: set permissions for R & W for “bases” and “htdocs” and R & W & X for “cgi-bin” directories.

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|cifm1/select/endselect| 

When viewing a record. Format with syntax errors in SELECT … CASE … ELSECASE … ENDSEL. Review and correct format.

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|CIIFL/invalid link record/key| 

Generating the inverted file with wxis1660. Does not complete the inverted generation and locks database. Data field with a continuous sequence of more than 60 characters. Edit record and correct the data element in the field.

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|recupdat/crec/nxtmfp/MSBSIZ| 

The NXTMFP column of the master file control register is indicating a number greater than 500. In the control register, NXTMFP indicates the first free position within the last assigned block in the master file. Blocks are 512 bytes long, and a record can start in any free position between 0-498 and span one or more blocks. No record can start between byte 500 and 510.

There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • Create an ISO file from the base that has this error. After that, create and invert the base again
  • Use the MXCP application applying the clean property to correct the placement of the block. Reinvert the base after this procedure

WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|recwrite/check/even| 

This error occurs when using MKXRF after CTLMFN when the NXTMFP column of the base control record points to a number greater than 500. The procedure used to solve this problem is the same as described in the error WXIS|fatal error|unavoidable|recupdat /crec/nxtmfp/MSBSIZ|


Trying to write to inverted file but does not have the necessary access rights. Check and change write access rights on the invert’s directory and files. For example, in DOS use the attrib comment: attrib -r *.* The last term of the message indicates CNt OPeN for Write On Unix/Linux systems use the chmod command as appropriate.

fatal: iso_loadbuff/kj 

Error usually related to missing line delimiter (usually in ISOs in the last record). If using hexdump (hexdump -C <name>) the lack of the line delimiter (in DOS CR+LF, in Linux LF and in MacOS CR) at the end of the file is confirmed, just include the delimiter at the end of the file , as follows, for example:

echo > dummylf # Create a file with just the line delimiter
cat <isoname> dummylf > result.iso # Embed the delimiter in a new file with the original content

fatal: msrt/loadxrf/overflow 

The base is poorly constructed, at least in the strict sense of CISIS, in particular for the MSRT program. More specifically the XRF file has more blocks than it should. Rebuild the database with the command:

  mx base_in create=base_out -all now

For example, BASE_IN with 846 registers and 17,408 bytes in XRF during MSRT execution leads to an overflow in the xrf memory area within the program, as the 846 registers need 7 xrf blocks (3584 bytes), which are allocated by the program. But, loading the 17,408 bytes of BASE_IN (that would be 34 blocks) results in an overflow. In the XRF file each block (512 bytes) points to 127 records.

fatal: mxtb/maxhash/overflow 

MXTB does not have enough memory to run it. Use the “class=n” parameter to allocate more memory. If it results in an allocation error (/alloc) decrease the value n

fatal: posting/ifpnxtby 

Inverted file with problem. Generate the inverted file again.

fatal: dbxopen:dbn(1) 

Operating system (MS-DOS) returned error code 1: invalid function number. It is likely that there is not enough buffer or files to open the database.

fatal: dbxopen:dbn(2) 

Operating system (MS-DOS) returns error code 2: File not found. Check database location, or regenerate that database

fatal: dbxopen:dbn(4) 

Operating system (MS-DOS) returned error code 4: Too many open files Increase the number of files and buffers in CONFIG.SYS to 90 or more (requires system restart). A database being read represents 2 open files. Each index being accessed implies up to 6 open files, so one can easily exceed the maximum number of files opened by the operating system.

fatal: dbxopen:dbn(65) 

The operating system (MS-DOS) returned error code 65: Access denied. Check (and fix) file permissions. Attrib for DOS, or in network environment check access rights

fatal: dbxopen:dbn(68) 

At MS-DOS, or Windows command prompt, open database. The operating system (MS-DOS) returned error code 68: Network name limited exceeds. The size of the network name storage area should be increased. This is done by increasing the value of FILES in the CONFIG.SYS file (requires system restart)

fatal: dirread/check/mfrl 

A directory was read, the registry checked, and there was a problem due to lack of consistency between MST and XRF. Determine the problem record and delete it

fatal: ifload/CIIFL/keys not sorted 

When inverting database. From Linux 6.2 it is necessary to adjust the LC_ALL system variable, as shown: export LC_ALL=POSIX, as this Linux version changed the default. Set the system variable: LC_ALL=POSIX. Linux Red Hat 6.2 or higher (check kernel version).

fatal: mstsetup/allomxv/.xrf 

Database larger than MSRT program capacity limit. Use an updated version of the app. Using MSRT there is a maximum sort size

fatal: recread/check/nvf 

Number of directory entries (variables fields). Create a new database without damaged records, or try to pass the MKXRF utility (it is possible to lose records with problem). The XRF indicates that the record is located at an MST address, but that address is inconsistent.

fatal: recwrite/deleted 

This writing deleted record and causes an inconsistency of the invert with the master. Generate the inverted file again.

fatal: iso_getval 

Common problem when transferring from UNIX to DOS or vice versa an ISO file in binary mode. Redo the FTP transfer in ASCII mode Optionally use: mx seq=dbn.iso lw=99999 pft=v1/ now >dbn1.iso. On *nix systems employ the dos2unix command, or a tr -d “\015”.

fatal: recread/check/base 

Damaged registry – offset to data segment. Create a new base without the damaged records, or try to pass the MKXRF utility (it’s possible to lose the problem records). The XRF indicates that the record is located at an MST address, but that address is inconsistent.

fatal: recread/check/mfrl 

Registry size problem. Create a new base without the damaged records, or try to pass the MKXRF utility (it’s possible to lose the problem records). The XRF indicates that the record is located at an MST address, but that address is inconsistent.

fatal: recread/read 

Cannot read database record. Create a new base without the damaged records.


gizmo database without field 1. Insert field 1 into gizmo database.


Error executing a format file (PFT), probably because it is too large. Increase the FMTL value. For example: mx base_in join=base_j,260=v480 fmtl=20000 lw=9000 pft=@format.pft create=base_out -all now tell=2000.

rec write/xropn/w 

It is not possible to write information to the base. Check and adjust access rights.


In mx, may be due to typing with UPPER CASE characters. In WWWIsis version 3, the restriction regarding the base size must be checked, check the WWWIsis version.


The master file may exceed the size limit of 512 Mbytes. Generate a database with mstxl parameter equal to 4, then append to the database. To generate the base as indicated, do:

1) echo mstxl=4 > xpar.par;
2) mx cipar=xpar.par create=base count=0
3) add records to the base

To create by adding records directly, use cipar in the operation.


System cannot write to master file due to lack of integrity between MST and XRF. The solution is to create another master using MX.


Sequential file with very long line. Use a newer version of the MX app.

rejected link 66/440/1/1/ 

Generation or update of inverted file. When generating and updating the inverted file, an invalid term is detected that cannot be recorded in the inverted file (blank term, below ascii 33, etc). Check the registry for invalid characters and delete or modify them. For example, the MXCP with the CLEAN clause can be used to eliminate invalid characters. Decoding key: mfn/field/occurrence/cnt – 66/440/11/1.

writbsiz/write Out 

of disk space or, depending on the function, some file has exceeded the 2G byte limit. Free up disk space if necessary, or “split” the database into two or more. The use of proc R is a possibility for the very large database situation


When creating a database, the message recxref/comp+MSNVSPLT appears. This means that there is no memory space to create the base. This capacity must be increased using CIPAR.


+++ 7006349
^rND^sFALLETI^nTulia G.

fatal: recxref/comp+MSNVSPLT

To solve the above problem we used

 echo "mstxl=64G" > mdlxl.par
 export CIPAR

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