- Version 1.2
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- File Size 5 MB
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- Create Date September 22, 2002
- Last Updated September 22, 2021
IsisToDB 1.2 - WinXp
IsisToDB is a utility for converting ISIS databases to tables in a relational database. (dbf, mdb, db, etc). Conversion can be made both from a range of records and from the result of a search. The equivalence between the fields in the table and the ISIS database can be done by mating with the FDT or by writing a format. This last option allows you to convert the ISIS base into several related tables.
Explanatory note.
I would like to clarify that this small manual of the IsisToDB program does not pretend to cover all the functioning of the program.
This document has been written for several reasons:
1.-Thanks to the creator and developer of IsisToDB Norberto Manzanos, who gladly agreed to my request to write this manual.
2.-It also arises from the requests of the users of the software.
3.-As a way of retribution to the creator of IsisToDB for what the use of the software represented for my work.
4.-For a great friend who encouraged me to write this document.
In this manual it is commented step by step how to migrate from an Isis database to .DBF.
5.-This manual has images of all the processes. For the moment I have not put them, due to its weight. If you want the images just write me an email to: danymot2007@gmail.com
If you have any doubt, complaint or suggestion you can contact Norberto
Manzanos at:
nmanzanos@sion.com or you can write to me at:
Daniel Motola
11 June 2004.
1.Software features.
IsisToDB is a utility to convert ISIS databases to relational database tables.
(The conversion can be done either from a range of records or from the result of a search. The equivalence between the fields of the table and the ISIS database can be done by pairing with the FDT or by writing a format. The latter option allows converting the ISIS database into several related tables.
Software developers.
Norberto Manzanos
Document IT specialist
3.Technical requirements for the installation.
Pentium II1 28 MB RAM 1.5Mb disk available.
4.Official website of the software
5.Working with the program.
Chapter 1. Steps for the conversion of Isis databases to DBF.
1.1.Export range of records.
Create a database using the Access program of the Microsoft Office package. 2.
2.Create a table using the Access program containing the same fields as the database made with CDS/ISIS.
In case you want to create a database in Access, in which the names of the fields do not match, example:
Table in Isis Table in Access
Title Title of the book
In this case it must be taken into account that the Title, field of the table in Isis, has its counterpart in the Access table, which would be the Title of the book. You must take into account in both tables the fields that correspond or that you want to make correspond.
3.Open the IsisToDB program.
4.Open the DBF database.
Once the programme is open, click on the left window and select the .dbf file.
5.-Open Isis database.
Once the .dbf file is opened in the right window, click on the Examine button and select the .mst file of the isis database, you can also select the .par file, but it is advisable to use the .mst file.
6.-Select fields that correspond in both databases.
Once both database tables have been opened, we must select the corresponding field in the .dbf file, which is on the left, in the Isis table on the right.
7.-Migrate from the Isis database to the .dbf file.
Once we have selected the fields in both tables, we must indicate to the system that we are ready to migrate from the Isis file to the .dbf file. To do so, just click on the OK button and wait for the migration to take place.
After clicking on the OK button, we will see how the square above the OK button will move to the right, indicating that the transfer is being carried out.
8.-Transfer to .dbf complete.
Once the transfer to the .dbf file has been completed, we will notice that the information transferred is shown in the window on the left below.
2. Export search results.
This option allows you to export only the results of a search performed within the ISIS database. It can be useful if you are converting the same ISIS database to several Access tables.
It has two options, one that allows you to Export only one field and one that allows you to Export several fields. Both are discussed below.
1.2.1.Export only one field.
1.-The term we want to search for must be written in the window "Search expression". In this example we will use the term "BASES DEDATOS".
2.-Select the field that we want to pass to the relational database and click on the button.
3.-Complete process.
We have transferred all the records from the ISIS database to the relational database. These records correspond to the subject field of the ISIS database.
1.2.2.Exporting several fields.
1.-The term we want to search for must be written in the window "Search expression". In this example we will use the term "BASES DEDATOS".
2.-Select the fields that you want to move from the ISIS database to the relational database and then click on the button.
1.3 Export a single field within a range.
1.-You must write in the window "Search expression" the term you want to search. In this example we will use the term "TECHNOLOGY".
2.-Select the field to export to the relational database. Select the field you want to export and then click on the ok button.
1.-In contrast to the previous search, in this option you can
choose within a range of records the terms that you want to search for.
search. In the example we have taken as a range from register 1 to 1700.
It is necessary to know the ISIS database that we want to export, its structure, fields, information, among other aspects.
1.3.1 Exporting several fields within a range.
1.-The term we want to search for must be written in the "Search expression" window. In this example we will use the term "TECHNOLOGY".
2.-Select the fields we want to export.
We must select the fields that we wish to export and click on
the ok button.
For future changes the options remain to be explained:
1.3.2. 1.3.2. -Export results within a range.
1.4.-Extract formats.
1.5.-Setting as format.
This document may be reproduced, in whole or in part, as long as the source is acknowledged.
These programs use ISISDLL 7.1; if you have a previous version of one of the utilities that used a previous version, when installing the new program, the old one will stop working. You must download the updated version and reinstall it.