The purpose of this chapter is to deliver technical information for the operation and maintenance of the SeCS-Web application. The application is used for the registration of any kind of periodicals or serials and their library holdings.
For the management of data entry and the generation of reports and other services it is recommended to have a good knowledge of periodicals management in libraries, and of the ISSN description standards. The data elements in this application are compatible with ISSN and produce high data quality both during input and exportation.
For the management and maintenance of the system itself it is recommended to have a basic knowledge of CDS/ISIS architecture as well as general knowledge about networks and web servers and experience with Internet services.
This chapter gives detailed descriptions of all components of SeCS-Web for both available operator profiles, namely Administrators and Editors.
It is assumed that the SeCS-Web module has been installed and configured according to the installation instructions distributed with the ABCD suite.