The default interface for consulting ISIS databases, both in ABCD and in BVS, is the application iAH from BIREME, which uses the software wxis.exe and the language IsisScript. This document amplifies the information on the option SEND RESULT BY EMAIL which is introduced in the Preferences Section of the official manual published by BIREME. The explanations apply without distinction to the versions 2.x and 3.x of iAH.1 Each database accessible through the interface iAH should have a parameter file called .def. If the version of iAH in use is 2.x, then this file will be located in the directory ../htdocs/iah, but if the version is 3.x (as with ABCD), then it is located in ../www/bases/par. In the last line of the file .def, in the Preferences section, there appears an option that allows you to turn on or off this functionality. Usually the option is deactivated so users have not been alerted to the function or known how to implement it.