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- Create Date December 22, 2000
- Last Updated April 9, 2022
WWW-ISIS: A painless way for implementing data entry for ISIS databases on WEB Tutorial, part II v. 1.0
This is the second manual dealing with WWW-ISIS. Whereas the fist document was devoted to those who planned publishing their ISIS databases on WEB or on CD-ROM, restricting only to the search interface, this manual is devoted to those who have decided to go farther and implement tools for distributed data entry over Internet, with the use of the WWW-ISIS software.
The Data Entry part of the system is very flexible and makes possible to implement the data entry interface on a very high and professional level in a short period of time.
The manual has been prepared within the framework of Cooperation Agreement between FAO and ICIE. We expect that it will be helpful and explanatory while installing the WWW‑ISIS based applications.
The manual is available from WEB along with the DEMO CD-ROM, which will hopefully simplify the overall exercise of implementing the system. It is strongly recommended to read the manual in the electronic form, so that one can take advantage of using the hyperlinks in the text. If though the reader prefers the hard copy it is recommended that the manual be printed with colors. While reading the manual, the user should exercise WWW-ISIS in practice, implementing a data entry interface to an ISIS database.
We expect that the readers of this manual have a basic knowledge of Micro-CDS/ISIS and HTML.