Improve conversion ISO/UTF-8 for files in the bases folder

Conversion of ISO to UTF-8 + UTF-8 to ISO are combined into a single script. The script can operate on the current database  folder or the current language folder and features preview capabilities.
- The existing options the convert htdocs and acces are not implemented. (htdocs is wrong, access can be done if present in bases.dat).
- The script detects the current encoding and rewrites only if necessary.
Note: An ISO file can be converted to UTF and back without information loss.
Note: Con version of arbitrary UTF-8 files (e.g. with amharic characters) to ISO will result in expected, but undesired results. (Use preview to check)
Detailed file modifications:
- convert_txt.php : The conversion core script.
- convert_txt_test.php: Shows a preview of a converted file
- noaction.png:  new icon to indicate that no conversion is required.
- menu_bar.php: added options to convert language. Replace fixed strings by translated strings.
- Defaults for new translations
- convert_utf8.php (2*)+ convert_ansi.php: deleted phantoms

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