About the new ABCD v2.0
Submitted by EdS on Mon, 04/22/2013 – 17:02 Forums General discussion We have prepared a new version of ABCD, i.e. version 2.0, with as its main new features : the use of […]
Submitted by EdS on Mon, 04/22/2013 – 17:02 Forums General discussion We have prepared a new version of ABCD, i.e. version 2.0, with as its main new features : the use of […]
More then 160 participants from at least 6 countries attended – in a hall which was too small, so giving proof of high interest again in this exciting new software […]
Lançamento do ABCD (Automação de Bibliotecas e Centros de Documentação) É com satisfação que a BIREME/OPAS/OMS convida a todos para o lançamento oficial do sistema ABCD versão 1.0, a realizar-se no dia 3 de dezembro […]
BIREME, São Paulo, 30 Noviembre a 01 Diciembre, 2009 Sala de Cursos da BIREME Objetivos Presentar las funcionalidades y realizar ejercicios prácticos en el uso del ABCD. Capacitar equipo de […]
O desenvolvimento cooperativo do sistema ABCD (Administração de Bibliotecas e Centros de Documentação) da família ISIS de software teve um impulso notável com a realização da segunda oficina de avaliação […]
An article on Sage Journals on line by Egbert de Smet, University of Antwerp. The article was published on November 1st 2009. Abstract: The new ABCD software for free and […]
The third edition of the World Meeting of ISIS took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 14 to 16 September 2008. It was organized by the Latin American and […]
A terceira edição do Encontro Mundial de ISIS ocorreu no Rio de Janeiro de 14 a 16 de setembro de 2008, organizado pela BIREME/OPAS/OMS, com mais de 150 participantes, entre […]
The third edition of the World Meeting of ISIS took place in Rio de Janeiro from 14 to 16 of September 2008, organized by BIREME/PAHO/WHO , with more than 150 […]
Overview Background information Technology overview Installation issues Modules overview Management and planning Background information ABCD = Automatisación de Bibliotécas y Centros de Documentación ABCD = WinISIS + KOHA ISIS database […]